Thursday, September 17, 2009

INSPIRATION: Weekly Words from the late great Jean-Michel Basquiat

In Italian by Jean-Michel Basquiat 1983
“People have a very short attention span, They’re looking for another artist every six months or year. And it’s really impossible. There’s only twenty good artists in a century.”
- Jean Michel Basquiat to Anthony Haden-Guest in The Real Life of the Art World. Atlantic Monthly Press, 1998.

New technology pops up daily that makes it easier to share our lives with the world on a daily basis. I think it's amazing how quickly trends become global phenomenons all because of our ability to gain instant gratification from Blogs and other online forums.

I love this quote from the late great, deeply missed artist Jean Michel Basquiat.

I thought it was so fitting right now with the current state of fashion and those who care so much about it. But instead of every six months or a year we're looking for the hottest, newest, latest designers and trends on a daily basis. This is energizing, inspiring, and lots of fun. But fashion is an art and we can't forget that. We should appreciate our true artists who don't follow trends but create new ways of viewing what we wear. And we should never underestimate the power of our own personal style. It comes from within and is not a fad but a part of who we are.


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