In one week not one, not two, but three different people told me to check out
Lindsey Thornburg's line of cloaks; and there's a reason why. I, like Thornburg, hold a special place in my heart for cloaks, ponchos, and anything that resembles either of the two. Lindsey's self-titled collection, inspired by a trip to Machu Picchu, Peru gives you exactly what you want, cloaks of all lengths in inspiring prints and even some for the kids.

I thought I'd share just a few of the cloaks, ponchos, want-to-bes in my collection. These are just some of my most recent purchases as I prepare for Fall/Winter.
1. The Georgia O'Keefe "cloak". OK so it's not really a cloak. It's a fleece blanket but I LOVE the print and I get to show off one of my many broaches when wearing it.

2. Again, not a real cloak but a beautiful alpaca blanket. Three words: Peach Buffalo Plaid. You don't get much better than that.

3. The classic, a longer length in Taupe wool with connected scarf.

4. This one is so versatile. I wear it with all denim washes, White being my favorite.

5. This one is a poncho. It's so oversize and the color really stands out. I can't wait to pop it with bright necklaces

6. The poncho of all ponchos. This one is authentic from Mexico. The colors are so vibrant it's like you're looking at a painting.

7. This last one is a want-to-be but I thought I would throw it in because I love it so much. It's actually an oversize knit 3/4 sleeve overcoat from the '60s. The detailing is enviable and it's home made!