Specifically, the ladies are really doing their thing right now!!
Check out the latest video from J*Davey for their song Mama's Back. This LA duo, lead vocally by Miss Jack Davey and instrumentally by Brooke D'Leau, make me proud of my Los Angeles roots. They are just one example of our glowing creativity in fashion, music and beyond.
End of Your World (Mama's Back) from KPL TV on Vimeo.
If you like this then you have to listen to their last double disc Beauty in Distortion/Land of the Lost. If you don't like it then listen to it anyway and be sure to support J*Davey in the I want my music on MTV contest.
Next up is someone I can literally listen to all day. Muhsinah is an ultra-talented singer/song-writer/producer/classically trained pianist/the list goes on and on. Her voice and beats are entrancing and beautiful and I'm so proud of her success. Check out this her latest video with The Foreign Exchange for their collaboration, The House of Cards.
The Foreign Exchange feat. Muhsinah - "House Of Cards" from The Foreign Exchange on Vimeo.

1. A New
2. Looking Glass
3. My Step
4. Feather
5. Thunder Love
6. Never Never
7. Runabout
8. Swimming
9. Blinking Pigs
10. Come Home
11. Fortune
Check out this video for Swimming, one of my favorites.
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