PATTERNITY.co.uk aka PATTERNITY( not to be confused with Patternity.com.) is a work of genius. More than just a blog or shop or design studio they are ALL THREE and so much more!

Based in East London, the company founded by art director Anna Murray & textiles designer
Grace Winteringham have created a haven for those in love with and inspired by all things pattern. It's like your birthday everyday. Each day the duo present new inspirations and there is an impressive archive that would take you hours to get through.

I'm HUGE on pattern so to stumble upon Patternity is a treat. Whether we realize it or not pattern is what drives us on a daily basis. Truly it is with it that we function. So from an art and design perspective you have to appreciate the subtleties of natures patterns and the intentions of man-made pattern that influence you without you even knowing it. That's powerful!
OMG this is beautiful!!!