I saw The Fall for the first time this weekend!
The Fall, directed by
Tarsem Singh in collaboration with Spike Jonze, was officially released in May of 2008 BUT, for a masterpiece like this, it's better late than never. Within the first half hour I was inspired by the elaborately designed and characterized costumes of each unique character.
This story takes you on the fantastical journey of an injured stuntman and injured little
girl during their stay in a 1920's Los Angeles
infirmary. The stories told by the stuntman take the viewer and the little girl on a visually stimulating fantasy-based adventure of 5 heroines from
different walks of life; The Indian, Charles Darwin, Luigi (an explosives expert),
Otta Benga (a former slave), and The Blue Bandit. Costume Designer
Eiko Ishioka takes the viewer beyond their expectations of these characters, making them each equally majestic and

I am truly inspired...