Last Saturday marked the opening of two inspiring exhibitions at the
LACMA (LA County Museum of Art). If you find yourself in the area or in town for a couple of days please make your way to the museum.

Fashioning Fashion: European Dress in Detail, 1700-1915 showing Oct 2, 2010-March 6, 2011 would have been a mandatory field trip for one of my textiles classes in college. The LACMA has acquired an impressive collection of European mens, womens, and childrens clothing & accessories. In LACMA's own words:
The exhibition tells the story of fashion's aesthetic and technical development from the Age of Enlightenment to World War I. It examines sweeping changes in fashionable dress spanning a period of over two hundred years, and evolutions in luxurious textiles, exacting tailoring techniques, and lush trimmings. This will be the visual stimulation needed to jumpstart winter and step into 2010. Excited does no justice for how I feel about this exhibit! I feel like I'm in school again :)

Olmec: Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico showing Oct 2, 2010-Jan 9, 2011 features sculptures of the Olmec Civilazation of Mexico which was founded around 1400 BC. These sculptures weighing btw 7-10 tons each have been transported for you, the viewer, to take in the awe of this civilization. Many believe the Olmecs were of African descent, making a connection to the great pyramids. I cannot wait to attend! There is always something in sculpture and structure to inspire on the level of fashion and beyond.